Kiambu County witnessed two horrifying incidents on Monday, leaving residents shocked and the community in mourning. In the first incident, a man allegedly murdered his 8-year-old son in Ndenderu, while in the second, the lifeless body of a 20-year-old woman was discovered in Kinare forest, Lari. The police are currently investigating both cases to determine the circumstances surrounding the tragic events.
The first incident unfolded in Ndenderu, where a man, separated from his wife, is suspected of premeditating the murder of his 8-year-old son. Reports suggest that he patiently waited for the child to return from school, ambushing him just before he entered the gate. Breaking into the home, the estranged father then attacked the house help, who bravely tried to defend the young boy. Tragically, the child’s head was slashed, resulting in his immediate death.
The suspect, attempting to escape, fell into a well and broke his leg. Neighbors, alerted by the screams of the injured house help, apprehended the man before the police arrived at the scene. The estranged wife, who managed to escape unharmed, provided a statement to the police, detailing the horrifying events. The injured house help was rushed to Kiambu Level 5 Hospital for treatment, while the boy’s lifeless body was taken to Kihara Hospital Mortuary.
In another distressing incident, the lifeless body of a 20-year-old woman, missing for two weeks, was discovered in Kinare forest, Lari. The Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) detectives are currently conducting investigations into the matter. Preliminary findings suggest that the woman may have been raped and killed elsewhere before her body was dumped in the forest.
Lari sub-county police commander Adamson Furaha stated, “We have started investigations to establish what happened, whether she was raped, how she was killed, and how the body was brought to the area.” The discovery has left the community in shock, as they await answers about the circumstances surrounding the young woman’s tragic demise.