In a tragic turn of events, Charles Waga Otieno, a 25-year-old aspiring rapper, lost his life in the Riruta area of Nairobi. Detectives are currently holding four Nigerian men believed to be connected to the incident, which unfolded on the fifth floor of an apartment building.
Waga Otieno reportedly jumped from the fifth floor following an altercation with the four Nigerian occupants of the house. The budding rapper’s friends confirmed the unfortunate incident. The victim had gone to deliver a carpet at the apartment, which was rented by one of the Nigerians residing in room 56 on the seventh floor. The Nigerian reportedly paid Waga Otieno Ksh400 for his services.
Police investigations revealed that Waga Otieno was heard screaming, subsequently stripping naked, and leaping from the fifth floor, sustaining severe head injuries upon landing on the ground floor. Despite swift efforts to rush him to Coptic Hospital, he was pronounced dead upon arrival.
The four foreigners have been taken into custody as the police launch a thorough investigation into the incident. The nature of the altercation leading to Waga Otieno’s fatal decision remains unclear, prompting authorities to treat the case as a potential murder.
The deceased’s body has been transferred to the mortuary pending an autopsy to determine the exact cause of death.
In a separate incident, police are also probing the death of Stephen Maina, a driving school instructor in Lari Constituency, Kiambu County. Maina’s body was found dumped next to a funeral home in Lari, and investigators are working to unravel the circumstances surrounding his demise.
This unfortunate event comes shortly after the discovery of another body, that of a middle-aged woman, found in Kinale Forest on Monday. The woman was reportedly raped before being killed, and the police are treating the scene as a secondary crime scene. Detectives are actively pursuing leads in both cases, with no arrests made as of now.
The surge in homicide cases in the area has raised concerns, and the community is echoing calls for justice as investigations unfold. The police are intensifying efforts to bring clarity to these tragic incidents and bring those responsible to account.